Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Travel letter from Kristiansand

Sep 29, 2023

On September 20 and 21, a small delegation from iEarth attended the “Higher education Conference 2023” in Kristiansand, arranged by HKdir.

In end of September, the Norwegian directorate for higher education and competence (HK-dir) arranged a conference for higher education titled “Quality and accessibility for future needs”. Two iEarth staff was part of the program, with Iver Martens (UiT) being part of a session on “Work relevance” and Bjarte Hannisdal (UiB) taking part in the session on “Future assessment”. In addition, Jarle Sleire and Hakan Heggernes (UiB) were present at the event, to observe and represent iEarth.

The conference started with introduction and welcoming by Norwegian minister for higher education, Sandra Borch, and the director of HK-dir, Sveinung Skule. The first day ended with a fun talk by comedian and journalist Linda Eide. Both days were packed with sessions mostly focusing on improving education and the learning environment.

Travel letter from KristiansandTravel letter from Kristiansand

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