iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

iEarth Seed Project - Open call for applications

Seed project applications will now have an open call with submissions done electronically through Skjemaker.

SEED project
Undervisernes læringsmiljø

Submit SEED project application electronically here

iEarth’s vision is to “foster a student-centred, innovative learning environment that empowers future earth scientists and citizens to address complex societal challenges. Students engage in active learning and real-world problem-solving with a global perspective in an earth science education. In iEarth, students and instructors join forces to renew our Earth system science education."

The iEarth Seed projects are an incentive and motivation to develop teaching and learning cooperation across departments and universities, engage students in improving their learning environment, collect data, develop teaching and learning in geoscience and promote SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching and Learning).  

Projects can apply for funding of up to NOK 150 000,-

Projects can apply for funding up to 150,000 NOK. Projects can run for one year and, if needed, apply for follow-up funding or an extension.

Guidelines can be found here:

iEarth Seed Projects 2024

Apply using this template:

iEarth Seed Projects Application form

Template for final report:

Template for iEarth short papers

Template for how funds where spent:

Template for accounting

Call for projects - communication and timeframe

We are now having an open call where applicants can submit their seed projects all year round, and the applications will be evaluated within a month after submission.  Application submission must be made through Skjemaker.

  • Open call – Applicants can submit their seed project continuously throughout the year.
  • Start of project: As soon as possible after receiving funding.
  • Deadline for finished seed projects is 1 year after funding decision.

Who can apply?

Faculty, postdocs, PhD students, and students from Earth Science institutions. Instructors and students at Norwegian institutions outside iEarth can also apply for funding. However, it is required that there exists collaboration with colleagues at the iEarth institutions.

What can you apply for?

See iEarth's Center Plan for examples. We encourage applicants to contact focus area leaders if they are especially interested in topics covered by the five iEarth Focus Areas in iEarth. Examples of project themes include, but are not limited to:

  • Develop a new course based on active learning approaches for students.
  • Development of new student activities.
  • Development of new teaching methods.
  • Activities improving the students learning environment.
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL)

Funding can be requested for teachers who temporarily need to hire replacements (or teaching assistants) for their teaching to work on such projects. Project funds may also include conference fees to attend SOTL conferences.

iEarth funding does not cover:

  • Teaching sabbatical.
  • Fieldwork or excursions.
  • Equipment.

The iEarth SEED Project evaluation committee and evaluation

The evaluation committee consists of the education chairs of the iEarth institutions, one committee member with a formal background in education research, the iEarth centre leader, the network coordinator and the national student leader or other student representative. The committee publishes a list of funded projects within 6 weeks after the application funding. The projects may receive full or partial funding.  The iEarth network coordinator will report to applicants by email and funded projects will be announced on

In case of potential conflicts of interest in the committee, the member with a conflict of interest will be excluded from evaluating the projects in question.

Project evaluation criteria

The funded projects must:

  • Be aligned with the iEarth vision.
  • Contribute to one or more of the five iEarth Focus Areas, as specified in the action plan.
  • Include a plan for communicating, sharing, and/or distributing the results from the project.

The project will be given priority if it includes:

  • Co-creation with students.
  • Involvement of colleagues.
  • Involves several institutions (both iEarth partner institutions and others).
  • A communication and dissemination plan (for larger projects, include plans to publish a peer review paper in an educational journal or present at a SoTL conference).

Evaluation closed during these periods in 2024.

Expect delays in evaluation if you submit close to or during any of the periods below.

Winter vacation (Vinterferie)


Summer (Sommerferie)


Fall vacation (Høstferie)


Christmas break (Juleferie)


Project reporting and dissemination

It is a requirement that all funded projects benefit the iEarth community and that the HK-dir plan for SFUs and the contract between iEarth and HK-dir align.

In addition to sharing and disseminating project results, funded projects need to:

  • Submit a short scientific report (1-5 pages) following the IMRAD framework. The scientific report will be added to the iEarth educational publication series and available on Adding the project report to our publication series makes it citable, and authors can use it as a publication in their resumes. A report template is available here.
  • Submit a one-page popular scientific text about the project including figure or pictures that can be posted on our newspaper and our social media platforms.
  • Submit a summary of the budget and accounting of your expenses with this template. How did you use your money? Were there any changes from the original budget? If yes, why?

The projects that receive funding from iEarth require a dissemination strategy and here are some examples of dissemination that can be included in this strategy:

  • Workshop or presentation at the GeoLearning Forum.
  • Presentation or poster at other relevant conference.
  • Workshops or presentations at the institutes for/with students.
  • Information, results and findings shared at
  • Blogg posts at
  • Scientific publication.

If you'd like to deliver your finished SEED project, please use the following link:

Submit completed SEED Project here
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Pricing / Licensing

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March 31, 2023
Sist opdatert
June 20, 2024