Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Historier fra GeoIntern

Apr 11, 2023

Denne artikkelen ble først publisert på nettsiden til UiT, skrevet av Ola Jensvoll. Ola Jensvoll er bachelorstudent ved UiT, og er blant studentene som tar kurset GeoIntern denne våren. Her er noen av hans erfaringer fra praksisstillingen hos Skaland Grafitt på Senja.

Les artikkelen her.

My name is Ola Jensvoll, I am a bachelor student in Geology at UiT, and this semester I have spent three weeks interning with the great group of people at Skaland Graphite. I have been encouraged from the University to write a few words about my experiences and how I felt working as a real-life geologist in a mine.

The last weeks I have been working with the drilling technicians. Taking cores, which are logged and analyzed, is a useful tool in mapping the underground and defining the areas of economic interest. Geologists do the logging, but my impression from the university is that we often lack information about the direct setting from where the core was taken.

You can really hear it when the drilling rig in the mine is drilling a 150 m core. The rig is water cooled, run on a computer and can be operated by 2 men. They use an app to control the orientation of the core. There is a lot of factors in play when you plan the drilling. It is strongly dependent on the structures in the mountain, but also you need to keep in mind that the drill-bit rotates clockwise and that causes the rig to drift upwards and towards the right. A deviation of 3 degrees may not sound like a lot, but when you want to drill more than 150 m then 3 degrees might mean the difference of hitting a target and missing it completely.

Historier fra GeoInternHistorier fra GeoIntern

Vårvær med en spektakulær utsikt mot fjellene på Senja. Foto: Ola Jensvoll

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