New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

Apr 11, 2023
Thomas Hagen Thuesen

Hello everyone! My name is Thomas and I am taking over the position as network coordinator in iEarth after Thea Krossøy.

Hello everyone!

My name is Thomas and I am taking over the position as network coordinator in iEarth after Thea Krossøy. I officially started on 28. september 2022, and I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone better.

I can already see that there's some big shoes to fill, so I hope you all can help me make the transition as smooth as possible! Thea continues her career at Norconsult, and I would like to thank her for the great job she did here at iEarth, and wish her the best of luck in her new position.

Who am I?

I started my bachelor's degree here at the University of Bergen in 2010, and continued with a master's degree in Petroleum Geology looking at Zechstein carbonates in the North Sea with Lundin, that I finished in summer 2016. I then continued with a PhD in quaternary geology and sedimentology where I try to quantify the sediment volume in Fjærlandsfjorden, a tributary fjord to Sognefjorden (near Jostedalsbreen).

After a master thesis staring down several types of microscopes, I wanted my next project to be filled with field work. Check out this short youtube video showcasing my PhDs field area.

I also enjoy creating 3D models from drone images using Agisoft metashape.

Why iEarth?

During my time as a PhD I was a part of several outreach activities through the Department of Earth Science (GEO) at the University of Bergen. I was a member of "Norsk Geologisk Forening" (NGF) from 2018-2020 where I lead the "Geology Day" which is an event where we bring "Earth Science to the people" in Bergen center, I co-arranged a workshop on cosmogenic nuclides, presented research for school classes that visited, I had a stand at "Forskningsdagene" in 2018, and taught an introductory course in sedimentology here at GEO from 2017-2019.

After a recap of what I had done in my PhD, I noticed that most of the activities I enjoyed the most was improving my teaching, organizing meetings and conferences, and collaborating with a wide range of people. My interest towards iEarth grew further when I attended a "Teachers Retreat in 2018" which was the time I got properly introduced to what iEarth was and wanted to do. I hope my efforts can contribute to bring about a cultural change to how we approach teaching in higher education, and I am excited to start this new journey with all of you!

You can reach me in office 3111 / 3A13b on the 3rd floor in realfagsbygget or contact me on e-mail: or, and I am also readily available on teams. I will attend the "Geopraksis" conference on the 13th of october in Tromsø and I hope to meet several people in person at that event!

New network coordinator - Thomas Hagen ThuesenNew network coordinator - Thomas Hagen Thuesen

My first trip to Fjærland. On the picture you can see Bøyabreen in the back and Haflidi Haflidason, Christian H. Eide and myself in the boat. Photo Credit: Atle Nesje

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