Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

May 24, 2024
Kenneth Mangersnes, Thomas H. Thuesen

During this years GeoIntern course (GEOV298) at UiB, students participated in a workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsults GEO department.

The 26 students enrolled in the course were split into 5 groups in order to find a solution to a problem presented by Multiconsult's Avdelingsleder Cathrine Hatlenes and engineering geologist Hallgeir Sirevaag.

How can we create a clear dissemination process for the public, clearly demonstrating the geological, environmental, and social factors that are considered when chosing placements of power line routes.

The power line route in question was presented in a news article in Bergens Tidende on the 4th february 2024 titled: 

"Korteste vei gjennom Bergen blir for konfliktfylt. Statnett velger strilelandet for ny kraftlinje".

Led by expert in entrepreneurship Mia Haaland and Fridtjov Falch Sorø at Ungt Entreprenørskap our students worked enthusiastically on the task at hand, brainstorming innovative solutions aimed at addressing this problem. Their enthusiasm was clear when the students a few weeks later presented their results at Multiconsults offices at Nesttun in Bergen.

Students presenting their idea for an app called "Broen" that could be utilized to create a clear dissemination process. Photo: Thomas H. Thuesen.

GeoIntern (GEOV298) at the University of Bergen 2024

The GeoIntern-course at the University of Bergen is now nearing completion for the 2024 spring semester. This semester has continued on the positive trends from last year and we have a total of 26 students enrolled in the course. The students had 3 weeks of internships in week 8, 16 and 17, with one of our 14 industry partners. The students will be posting blogs from their internships here.

In addition to the internship weeks the students have 8 seminars they have to complete throughout the course. The seminars are designed to give the students an opportunity to study different aspects of working life. In these seminars the students learn how to write CVs and applications, how to work in a teams, how unions work, what it is like to work as a consultant, and how the innovation process works.

Finally, the course is nearing its completion. The only activity remaining is a poster seminar, where the students will be presenting posters from their internships. The poster presentations will be on the 22nd of May from 12:15 -15:00 in auditorium 5. Anyone in Bergen during these weeks are welcome to come and listen to the students.

Innovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & MulticonsultInnovation workshop with Ungt Entreprenørskap & Multiconsult

Thomas H. Thuesen

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