The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

The interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education

Social network analysis and educational change: unravelling the role of innovative teaching staff in a higher education environment.

Peer-reviewed publications
Forme fremtiden

iEarth PhD candidate Dario Blumenschein has published an article in collaboration with Bjarte Hannisdal. Through a study involving our teaching staff at UiB-GEO, authors sought to uncover the interplay between social network characteristics of teachers and their disposition to introduce changes in education.

Check out Dario's presentation on the 24th of April 2024 regarding his study:

Their findings reveal that the most innovative teaching staff share three key characteristics: they maintain extensive personal networks, possess significant influence across the broader network, and exhibit a high degree of interconnectivity. This trifecta not only highlights their role as pivotal agents of change but also underscores the potential of leveraging these networks to foster a more innovative educational environment.

Complete teaching network at GEO UiB

This study underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in achieving change. As we move forward, we encourage everyone within the department to engage and expand their teaching networks. We extend our gratitude to the teaching staff at GEO for their invaluable contributions who, through insights into their teaching practices, have been instrumental in shaping this study.

The article is published in one of the leading journals in the field of higher education and can be accessed below.

Combined personal networks of innovative teaching staff at GEO UiB.
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