GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

GEO*Logic – A Geological board game for versatile use

Geo*Logic is a versatile geology game intended to have fun and get an understanding of geological time.

SEED project
Studentenes læringsmiljø

iEarth Education Research Publication Series

Seed Project: "Geo'Logic - A Geological board game for versatile use"


Authors:  Ingrid Anell and Grace Shephard


Funding from iEarth: 40 000 NOK

GEO*Logic is a free for all board game designed by Ingrid Anell and Grace Shephard to be played in three different game versions to suit different needs.

The Game
Game instructions
Activity card Front
Activity card Back

The basic game takes you through geological time where you run into actual geological events, which can help or hinder you on your way towards the present time. The game is designed to teach the concept of geological time and important events in a fun, easy and visual way. Adding question squares to game-play (version 2), allows for a teacher/educator/game master to create questions, simple or complex inquiry-based questions, dependent on desired outcome: fun, engagement, revision, assessing learning outcomes, active-based learning, promoting discussion, peer interaction and collaboration etc.

Adding activity cards (and teams) to the game-play (version 3) makes for an added level of fun, increasing interaction and team-building, contributing to bettering communication and strengthening relationships between students and with their teacher. GEO*Logic’s strength is in being a versatile game which can be played by anyone at any time, and while it has a base design, the questions can be created within any discipline, on any level of Bloom’s taxonomy. GEO*Logic aims to be a game which can enhance learning and diversify the learning experience, aid in assessing learning outcomes, promote inclusion, collaboration, communication and last but not least, have some fun.

Read the iEarth Education Research Publication report here.

Ingrid gave a talk at the iEarth Digital Learning Forum on June 7th 2023, where she in more detail explain the game. Watch it below!

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Pricing / Licensing

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Heavily used in Svalex expeditions, run for multi-disciplinary student teams in Svalbard until 2013

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Saether et al. (2004)

VideoSolo Video Converter Ultimate

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Virtual outcrop interpretation package

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University of Manchester


Rarity et al. (2014)

May 31, 2023
Sist opdatert
June 20, 2024